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Civil Law Consult

Civil Law Consult

Civil law consult is an independent law department in Vietnamese legal system, covering lots of law firms. This makes the issues of resolving civil cases as complicatedly as criminal. With the team of experienced lawyers, professional and enthusiastic Experts, HTC Vietnam provides confidently our customers with consulting services related to Civil Laws in a quality, speedy solution and reasonable price. HTC Vietnam’s motto is to bring “Happiness – Success – Prosperity” to our customers.

Our consulting services include the following:

  • Consult in civil transactions and contracts:
    • Consulting draft, review documents related to civil transactions.
    • Consulting draft, review documents related to civil transactions and obligations such as: pledge, mortage, deposit, guarantee, escrow…
    • Consulting draft, review documents related to purchasing (sale, gift, borrow) contracts.
    • Consulting draft, review documents related to lease and assets leased contracts and related legal provisions….
    • Consulting draft, review documents related to serviced contracts, delivery contracts, econimic contracts, insurance contracts and related legal provisions…
    • Consulting draft, review documents related to authorization contracts, letter of attorny and legal provisions relating to authorization issues….
  • Consult in inheritance issues:
    • Consulting draft, review documents related to inheritance issues.
    • Consulting in inheritance rights and personal equality.
    • Consulting about wills inheritance.
    • Consulting in legal inheritance.
    • Consulting in payment, declaration and division of inferitance.
    • Consulting about time and place of opening inheritance.
    • Consulting in inheritance determination.
    • Consulting in inheritance heirs determination.
    • Consulting in inheritance time of te heirs’ rights and obligations.
    • Consulting in how to determine estate management rights, rights and obligations of estate managers.
    • Consulting in how to identify estate managers, rights and obligations of the estate managers.
    • Consulting in determining the inheritance of those who are inherit of each other died at the same time.
    • Consulting in procedures of inheritance’s denying.
    • Consulting in indentifying those who are not entitles the inheritance.
    • Consulting in the statute of limitations for inheritance.
  • Consulting in intellectual property
    • Consulting in registered copyright protection.
    • Consulting in registration of industrial property rights and rights about plant varieties.
    • Consulting in technology transfer.
    • Consulting on handling violations ofintellectual property.
  • Consulting in issues related to foreigned civil relationship
    • Consulting in property ownership with foreigned elements
    • Consulting in will inheritance with foreigned elements
    • Consulting in legal inheritance with foreigned elements.
    • Civil contract consultancy with foreigned elements such as concluded and implemented contracts in Vietnam, contracts related to real estate in Vietnam.
    • Consulting in forms of civil contracts with foreigned elements.
    • Consulting in absent civil contracts.
    • Consulting in unilateral civil transactions with foreigned elements.
    • Consulting for compensation out of the contractswith foreigned elements.
    • Consulting copyright protection with foreigned elements.
    • Consulting in registration of industrial property rights and rights about plant varieties with foreigned elements
    • Consulting in technology transfer with foreigned elements.
  • Consulting in civil issues related to court
    • Consulting in declaring a person who loses civil act capacity or civil act capacity limited.
    • Consulting in requiring the Court to annul the decision to declare person losing civil act capacity, civil act capacity limited.
    • Counseling to find absent people from their residence place and manage their properties.
    • Consulting in requiring the Court to make a decision of declaring a dead or missing person.
    • Consulting in requiring the Court to annul a decision of declaring a dead or missing person.
    • Consulting in requiring the Court to recognize and enforce Vietnam judgements, civil decisions, property decisions in judgements, criminal and administration decisions of foreign courts.
  • Consulting in civil dispute resolution
    • Consulting in civil transactions dispute resolution.
    • Consulting in civil contracts dispute resolution.
    • Consulting in inheritance dispute resolution.
    • Consulting in intellecture property dispute resolution.
    • Consulting in settlement for non-contractual damages dispute resolution.
  • Consulting in civil dispute resolution with foreigned elements.
    • Consulting in civil transactions dispute resolution with foreigned elements.
    • Consulting in settlement for non-contractual damages.
    • Consulting in inheritance dispute mediation.
    • Consulting in the statute of limitations with foreigned elements.
  • Consulting in forms of resolving civil disputes.
    • Consulting in selection of forms, agencies to dispute settlement and participation in negotiation, mediation of disputes between party fishes.
    • Forming lawsuits for cases in court, arbitration.
    • Preparing files, documents and evidences to work with relevant agencies, organizations and individuals in the process of settling cases.
    • Participating in illigation at court, arbitration to protect the rights and legitimate interests of customers in the dispute.
  • Consulting in legal services as customer’s requirements
    • Consulting in issues arising from personal relationships, marriage rights, divorce rights, adopting children rights and the right of honor or dignity protection.
    • Consulting in personal and organizations rights and properties.

HTC Vietnam commits to securing customer’s personal information and documents.

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